With the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Senator Mitch McConnell followed through on his mission to leave no vacancy behind.
Working with President Trump, Senator McConnell has fundamentally transformed the federal judiciary by confirming pro-Constitution judges and justices at a record pace. Since 2017, President Trump and Senator McConnell have placed a record 220 judges on federal courts: 2 to the U.S. Court of International Trade, 162 to the District Courts, 53 to the Circuit Courts, and 3 to the Supreme Court.
Here’s what they’re saying about Senator McConnell’s commitment to confirming pro-Constitution judges:
President Donald Trump: “Our country owes a great debt of thanks to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.”
The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: “Majority Leader Mitch McConnell deserves special credit for helping to reshape the federal courts after decades of liberal dominance.”
The Washington Post: “The judicial legacy set by Trump but engineered primarily by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) includes several significant milestones, including the trio on the Supreme Court and the fact that for the first time in 40 years, there are no openings on the circuit courts. That has been a monumental achievement for a majority leader whose mantra has been ‘leave no vacancy behind’ and a president who simply just likes to win.”
Hugh Hewitt: “Students of American history: Parallels to capstone moment of @senatemajldr that is the swearing in of Justice Barrett? Senator McConnell has been at work on free speech and the courts his entire career, and this moment secures his place in Constitutional history.”
Mike Davis, The Daily Independent: “McConnell holding line for our Constitution”
Guy Benson: “…@senatemajldr is absolutely *decimating* Democrats’ false talking points & bogus oral history regarding SCOTUS / judicial confirmation battles. This is a very important speech for all Americans to see.”
Governor Mike Huckabee: “A true hero of 2nite is @senatemajldr who didn’t waver, flinch, or retreat […] Mitch McConnell fought and ignored the critics to do his duty. A tip of the hat, pat on the back, and deep bow from the waist to @senatemajldr”